Executive Coaching
Here are my experience and reflections on the journey as an executive coach. Love to hear your comments.
Here are my experience and reflections on the journey as an executive coach. Love to hear your comments.
Why centeredness is so important for leaders? Some data-based inferences https://www.linkedin.com/posts/drpramodsolanki-growthcatalyst_hbr-leadership-inspiration-activity-7135854724238520320-B1hN?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
The Enterprise World, a global business magazines featured Performance Enablers as one of the 10 most reliable HR Solution providers in India. Please click on the links for details.Read More
Imagine leading a team where every member feels empowered to contribute their best ideas, where innovation thrives because everyone knows their input is valued. That’s the kind of leadership that creates remarkable results. As Jack Welch famously said, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success…
The global business magazine, Insight Success covered Performance Enablers as one of the 10 dynamic consulting companies to watch for in 2019. The link below has the details. Read More
Ability to inspire the team is a primary function of a leader. Here are some tips that help develop these skills: Communicate effectively Good leaders can motivate and inspire people with clear and simple communication. This can include setting clear expectations and parameters for employees, and communicating your vision to a larger group. Have a clear…
A #generalist , a #specialist or a generalist specialist? A point of view for service providers. Love to hear your thoughts. #clientservicing #valueaddition #discovery #design #delivery